- Home
- Staff
- The Reverend: David Hardy
- Director of Music/Organist: Steve Honeychurch
- Parish Administrator: Leanne Beutler
- Facility Manager: Dorothy (Dot) Beaver
- Ministries
- Commuication Ministry
- Finance Ministry
- Health Ministry
- Hospitality Ministry
- Parish Education
- Outreach Ministry
- Worship and Music Ministry
- Bulletins/Newsletters
- About Us
- Prayer
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- Worship
- Second Sunday after Christmas
- First Sunday of Christmas
- Christmas Eve
- 4th Sunday of Advent
- The Second Sunday of Advent, 8 December
- First Sunday of Advent
- Joint Thanksgiving Service
- Christ the King
- 26th Sunday after Pentecost
- 25th Sunday after Pentecost
- All Saints Sunday
- Reformation Sunday
- 22nd Sunday After Pentecost
- 21st Sunday after Pentecost
- 20th Sunday After Pentecost
- Gospel Hymn Fest (19th Sunday After Pentecost)
- 18th Sunday after Pentecost
- 17th Sunday after Pentecost
- 16th Sunday after Pentecost
- 15th Sunday after Pentecost
- Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost
- 13th Sunday after Pentecost
- 12th Sunday after Pentecost
- 11the Sunday after Pentecost
- 10th Sunday after Pentecost
- 9th Sunday after Pentecost
- 8th Sunday after Pentecost
- 7th Sunday after Pentecost
- 6th Sunday after Pentecost
- 5th Sunday after Pentecost
- 4th Sunday after Pentecost
- 3rd Sunday after Pentecost
- Second Sunday After Pentecost
- The Holy Trinity
- Day of Pentecost
- 7th Sunday of Easter
- 6th Sunday of Easter
- 5th Sunday of Easter
- 4th Sunday of Easter
- 3rd Sunday after Easter
- 3rd Sunday after Easter
- Second Sunday of Easter
- Easter Sunday
- Good Friday
- Maundy Thursday
- Palm Sunday
- 5th Sunday in Lent
- 4th Sunday of Lent
- 3rd Sunday of Lent
- 2nd Sunday in Lent
- First Sunday of Lent
- Ash Wednesday
- Transfiguration of our Lord
- 5th Sunday of Epiphany
- 4th Sunday of Epiphany
- 3rd Sunday of Epiphany
- Second Sunday of Epiphany
- Baptism of our Lord
- First Sunday of Christmas
- Christmas Eve
- 4th Sunday of Advent
- Third Sunday of Advent
- Second Sunday of Advent
- First Sunday of Advent
- Christ the King
- Thanksgiving Service
- 25th Sunday after Pentecost
- 24th Sunday after Penecost
- All Saints Sunday
- Reformation Sunday
- 21st Sunday after Pentecost
- Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost
- 18th Sunday After Pentecost
- Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost
- Jean W. Lemonds Funeral Service
- 16th Sunday after Pentecost
- 15th Sunday after Pentecost
- 14th Sunday after Pentecost
- 13th Sunday after Pentecost
- 12th Sunday after Pentecost
- 11th Sunday after
- 10th Sunday after Pentecost
- Ninth Sunday After Pentecost
- 8th Sunday after Pentecost
- 7th Sunday after Pentecost
- 6th Sunday after Pentecost
- 5th Sunday after Pentecost
- 4th Sunday after Pentecost
- 3rd Sunday after Pentecost
- Live Stream
- Holy Trinity
- Day of Pentecost
- 7th Sunday of Easter
- 6th Sunday of Easter
- 5th Sunday of Easter
- 4th Sunday of Easter
- 3rd Sunday of Easter (partial service)
- 2nd Sunday of Easter
- Easter Sunday
- Good Friday
- Maundy Thursday
- Live Stream
- The Fourth Sunday in Lent
- The Third Sunday in Lent
- 2nd Sunday in Lent
- First Sunday in Lent
- Ash Wednesday
- Transfiguration of our Lord
- Live Stream
- Donate